Tuesday, January 5, 2010

how many planets?

Most everyone I know is exhausted by years of carbon footprint debate and guilt. Personally, I think it's far more effective to think about big scary concepts in real, tangible forms anyway. Which is why I love this quiz from the Center for Sustainable Economy.

After a few questions about lifestyle and it tells you how many planet Earths it would take to support the human race indefinitely if everyone lived like you. It's sort of staggering (in a motivating, effective way) when you realize that your sincere efforts to remember your reusable grocery bags and take shorter showers are nowhere near saving the planet. I scored 4.7 Earths. My commute did me in, as did living on a large chunk of land out in rural nowhere. I guess our idea of a nature preserve would be more effective if we did some subsistence farming as well. The more you know...

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